The Lord your God Himself will cross over ahead of you.
—   Deuteronomy 31:3

Cross Over Ministries

Serving Montgomery County, Illinois & the surrounding area since 2018


Life Saving Mental Health Training Opportunities

Cross Over Ministries is committed to promoting mental health awareness and wellness through training events and opportunities including QPR Suicide Prevention and Trauma Informed Care.

QPR Suicide Prevention

Recognize the Warning Signs

Just as people trained in CPR help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade and refer someone to help.

This 3–4-hour training is offered to schools, communities, and/or any group interested in recognizing signs of suicide while presenting tools to increase communication with someone who may be contemplating suicide.

Trauma Informed Care

Reduce or Eliminate Re-traumatization

Trauma Informed Care (TIC) trainings are offered to communities, organizations, and individuals on a regular basis. Typical TIC training is approximately 4-hours with drinks and snacks provided. The purpose of this training is to reduce or eliminate the possibility of re-traumatization. To be trauma-informed we just need an awareness that the population may be traumatized. It is the responsibility of us all to create a trauma-informed environment everywhere.

A Trauma Informed environment:

  • Realizes the widespread impact of trauma and understands potential paths for recovery.
  • Recognizes signs of trauma in all people.
  • Responds by fully integrating knowledge about trauma into everyday practices.
  • Seeks to actively resist re-traumatization.

Talking directly about a trauma isn’t necessarily the best option. Join us to learn practical skills to help you and those around you. Healing is possible.