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By Bethany Martin Hillsboro Journal-News
Members of the Nokomis community braved the frigid temperatures as they gathered for the third International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day luminary ceremony on Saturday evening, Nov. 19, at Shane Cole Park in Nokomis. Over a dozen attendees joined together to offer comfort and support to local residents who grieve the loss of someone they love by suicide. Several luminaries were purchased in memory of those lost to suicide with proceeds benefiting Cross Over Ministries. As the luminaries were lit, everyone gathered around as Lynette Weiss of Cross Over Ministries (above, second to the left) offered a prayer and Jodi Reynolds, far left, read the names. The ceremony also included a Native American rock and feather ritual, which represents the pain of the past and hope for the future. Cross Over Ministries and its volunteers set up with information to help those who may be suffering, and collected donations to help further its mission to provide helpful services, and hot chocolate and cookies were served.
By Tori O’Dell Hillsboro Journal-News
Pictured above, Diane Singler, longtime volunteer with Cross Over Ministries, speaks about the loss of her daughter, Miranda Singler, during the non-profit’s “Out of the Darkness” grief support and suicide prevention event.
Strong winds did not deter early morning walkers from participating in Cross Over Ministries “Out of Darkness” sunrise walk, an annual event held to foster grief support and suicide prevention awareness, on Saturday, Nov. 5. The group zipped up their jackets and grabbed complimentary pen lights to take along on the short excursion through downtown Hillsboro before meeting back at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church basement where they warmed up with coffee and refreshments and settled in to hear from the morning’s speakers.
Longtime Cross Over volunteer Diane Singler opened the ceremony with a brief introduction on Cross Over Ministries as well as the local outreach’s grief support group, FROGS (Friends Reaching Out—Grief Support), which is spearheaded by Singler, her husband, Randy, and Becky and Wayne Wedekind, both in honor of the children they lost, Miranda Singler and Andrew Wedekind, and as a way to find healing the midst of their own grief.
Attendees were encouraged to bring photos of their loved ones to share during a candlelight ceremony. After lighting the candles, Becky Wedekind led those present in a moment of silence before Singler spoke about the loss of her daughter to suicide.
“The journey through grief is different for everyone,” Singler opened. “I am going to focus on loss from suicide but loss of the ones we love happens in many forms.”
Singler spoke about mental health issues, caused both from biological imbalances due to genetics as well as trauma and the importance of caring for the brain in the same way that people would care for any of the organs of the body. She went on to speak about the harmful stigmatization of having mental health issues and the stigmas surrounding those who take their own lives, as well as the need for both to end in order for real healing and prevention to occur.
“All grief is painful, but there is a second wave of grief for those who lose a loved one to suicide—both the actual loss and the society’s reaction to the loss—and that is something that needs to be changed. The best way to fight a stigma is to talk about it,” said Singler.
Singler went on to talk about her daughter, how looking back she could see the ways in which she struggled with mental health issues beginning in adolescence. She spoke about her kindness and warmth, as well as her creativity and talent and that despite her success she continued to struggle with her mental health. Singler spoke about learning that her daughter had sought help in many avenues and how important education is for the general population to really understand mental health issues, like depression and anxiety, in order to better embrace and support those struggling with them.
She then spoke about her own ongoing journey with grief and the need for those living in prolonged grief to find community.
“Healing grief requires work,” said Singler. “You cannot hide from your pain. Grief is God’s gift for natural healing, even Jesus wept. In order to heal, you have to allow yourself to feel all of the emotions that come with grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance, and you need to allow yourself to feel joy. You need to find a community that can understand you, and your particular grief, in whatever form that takes. People who can sit with your pain, and pull you back into the world, little by little, because on your own grief can be isolating.”
Ron Howard, with the Montgomery County Health Department, spoke next. Howard talked about his own experience with grief and the realization that “grief is the price of love” and one that everyone must pay. He shared information on his Grief Support Group, “Mourning to Morning,” which is held each Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Montgomery County Health Department’s Litchfield office.
Theresa Watters, with Beacon Church in Litchfield, shared her own encounters with grief, highlighting a Bible passage that she often turns to for strength, Isaiah 61, and the hope she finds in the thought that God can transform mourning into something new. She invited those in attendance to join her at GriefShare, a support group held at Beacon Church.
Linda Liebscher, president of Cross Over Ministries, spoke about the importance of coming together and sharing in each others grief before Pastor Stefan Munker closed the ceremony with a passage from John 21, in which Jesus appears to his disciples following his resurrection.
“Jesus shows up amidst our grief in the ordinary parts of our lives,” closed Munker. “Look for him and be assured that our loved ones are also present.””
After the ceremony, those in attendance enjoyed fellowship and a breakfast made by volunteers from St. Paul Lutheran’s church. Everyone was invited to take a gift and grief support resources home with them.
By Tori O’Dell Hillsboro Journal-News
Community members gathered at Lincoln Plaza in Hillsboro to share testimonies and remember loved ones lost from drug overdoses on Wednesday, Aug. 31. The educational event was the first Overdose Awareness Day event to be held in Montgomery County and was spearheaded by Cross Over Ministries volunteers Erica Petcher, Amber Kite, and Ryan Gnaegy.
A rapidly growing issue that is often brushed under the rug, International Overdose Awareness Day is a globally recognized event held on August 31 each year to help raise awareness and reduce the stigma of drug overdose, as well as acknowledge the grief of those that have lost a family member or friend to a drug overdose. The educational event also helps spread the message that drug overdose is preventable.
“Drug overdose is highly stigmatized and that is a big part of the problem. The stigma surrounding drug use, particularly overdose, prevents people from seeking help in the instance of an overdose. These are deaths that could be prevented,” said Amber Kite, one of the event organizers and a person who has lived experience with both addiction and overdose. “Erica, Ryan and I wanted to hold this event to help bring awareness that the opioid epidemic, and related overdose, is a very real thing that is happening right here in Montgomery County and while most people don’t want to talk about overdose, someone has to be the voice.”
All three of the event organizers have lived experience with addiction and each began volunteering with Cross Over Ministries to help those still caught in its grasp. Kite has been with Cross Over for three years and has been in recovery for four. Petcher has been sober for almost three years and joined the Cross Over team six months ago, and Gnaegy has been sober for a year and a member of Cross Over for an equal amount of time.
“I have first hand experience struggling with addiction,” Petcher explained. “It took a community believing in me for me to get clean. It is important for people, whether they are battling addiction or not, to see people in recovery. To know that recovery is possible and that we all have a part to play in it.
Several other entities joined Cross Over Ministries at the awareness event to share information on locally available resources, including St. Francis Way Clinic, Chestnut Health, The Montgomery County Health Department and Continuing Recovery Center in Irving, as well as the Celebrate Recovery and Recovering Gracefully Narcotics Anonymous support groups.
The awareness event gave those with lived experience a chance to share their testimonies.
“I grew up in a family of addiction,” shared Taylor Leibouitz, the opening speaker for the awareness event. “I started using at age 13, and began using heavy drugs (opioids, heroin, cocaine) with my parents when I was around 15. I was raised in an environment where drug use was modeled and it was the only way I was taught to cope with life. My parents were in and out of recovery but they couldn’t beat their addiction. I found my mother on our kitchen floor after she overdosed. I didn’t know what to do. She survived but was brain dead and died as a result. My father died a year later, due to a medical condition related to his drug use. I felt powerless. I made a plan to intentionally overdose, but I think God saved me for a purpose. My parents couldn’t stay sober but maybe I could. I went to treatment, and then to CRC in Irving. I stayed there for seven months and learned how to live again, how to do everyday things. Once in recovery, I chose to build a new life in Montgomery County. I found God here. I found a home here. Most importantly, I found a recovery community here and because of that I have been sober for five-and-a-half years. I can get on this stage and share about things that are not easy for me to talk about. This is what CRC taught me, how to get out of my default and deal with the things that are uncomfortable instead of trying to numb them away.”
According to the CDC, nearly 92,000 people in the United States died from a drug-related overdose in 2020. Part of the purpose of International Overdose Awareness Day is to provide education on how to prevent overdose-related deaths. At the local event, Marianne Drainer, representing Chestnut Health, led a demonstration on how to administer Narcan for those in attendance. Naloxone (Narcan) can be used to revive a person during an overdose as it is an opioid antagonist, meaning that it blocks the effects of other opioids and can quickly restore normal breathing in the midst of an opioid overdose.
Drainer also spoke about the “Good Samaritan Law” which provides legal protection to people, without medical backgrounds, who provide assistance to another person who is in peril. The law umbrellas those using drugs by allowing individuals to call for help and stay with a person who has overdosed without fear of being arrested. It also provides protection to non-medical personnel (who do not have liability insurance) who administer Narcan in the case of an overdose. These protections were implemented in an attempt to decrease the amount of overdose-related deaths that occur because no one calls for help out of fear of repercussion.
“If one person leaves here with an understanding of how to administer Narcan, and that knowledge is used to save someone’s life, it is worth it,” said Kite, who went on to explain that she hopes to see Narcan vending machines, or “Noxy boxes,” installed in Montgomery County to make the free drug more readily accessible to those most likely of administering it.
Cross Over’s Overdose Awareness Day was also a time for families and friends to remember and grieve those they have lost to overdose with a slide show and candle light vigil.
Further information on Cross Over Ministries, as well as their upcoming events and trainings, can be found online at their website.
Pictured above, Taylor Leibouitz shares his testimony during the Overdose Awarenss Day event hosted by Cross Over Ministries on Wednesday, Aug. 31.
Pictured above, Gatekeepers-in-training ready to hear from Kate Wedekind and Jodi Reynolds of Cross Over Ministries who conducted QPR training at the Litchfield Community Center in Litchfield on May 28.
Most people wonder, “What can I do to prevent suicide?” “What impact can I have on someone’s life?” QPR facilitators Kate Wedekind and Jodi Reynolds, both suicide-loss survivors themselves, would tell you that “you can educate yourself and offer hope to someone in need.”
Through QPR (Question, Persuade, and Refer), a trained individual can identify signs or direct language and actions of someone in high crisis or someone who is having suicidal thoughts. Their training on May 28 at the Litchfield Community Center touched the lives of the 18 “Gatekeepers” and will equip them with the skills they need to offer hope and support to one who is struggling. Gatekeepers can include anyone who is strategically positioned to recognize and refer someone at risk of suicide (e.g., parents, friends, neighbors, teachers, coaches, caseworkers, police officers).
Cross Over Ministries is a faith-based nonprofit that works for our local communities to offer support, programs, and resources to help those in need. Their programs range from Recovery Support Peer Specialists to Strengthening the Family.
For more information about their mission and what they have available, visit their website. Funding comes from donors, grants, and fundraising.
The QPR session and the materials they were able to provide to the public for free were all thanks to the grant received from the Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln.
They will continue to offer this training to the public and welcome inquiries about doing small group training at any local civic organizations, schools, and places of business.
Pictured above, Sweet snacks were provided for the QPR Training by Erin Harris of Litchfield, IL. Find her business, Erin’s Cookie Creations, on Facebook.
Thanks to a generous grant from Community Foundation for the Land of Lincoln (CFLL), Cross Over Ministries hosted five (5) anti-bully events at various elementary schools in Montgomery County in 2022. The events included magic tricks by Professor Longhair, Heartland Mini Hoofs, “Just Say Whoa to Bullying”, school cheers, discussions about what bullying is and what bullying is not, and a chance for the students to interact with the animals.
Pictured are the students at Raymond Elementary School, Oliver and Jasper (the mini-horses), and Professor Longhair and Princess Leah (May the “4th” be with you) since the event was hosted on May 4th. The students received “Band Together Against Bullying” bracelets and committed to initialing a poster that stated, “Kind, Kind, Kind Is Cool! Raymond Is A No Bully School!”
Three cheers for CFLL for making all of these events possible!
By Mary Herschelman Hillsboro Journal-News
Nearly 50 supporters laced up their tennis shoes for this year’s Cross Over Ministries Mental Health Awareness Walk on Saturday, May 21. The rain held off just long enough for walkers to make the path from the Montgomery County Farm Bureau office to the Hillsboro Veterans Memorial and back. This year’s theme was “Let’s Taco ’Bout Mental Health,” and leading the walk was Lynette Weiss of Cross Over Ministries in her taco costume. After the walk, participants met back downtown for tacos and guest speakers who shared their stories of recovery.
Jennifer Carron, a Montgomery County resident and a graduate of Hillsboro High School class of 2004, has joined Cross Over Ministries’ team as a board member.
Carron has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice and she has worked in law, corrections, and probation. Currently, she is a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) coordinator for the Macoupin/Montgomery Recovery Council.
“Jen not only brings a wealth of knowledge to share with Cross Over, but a passion for supporting people in their mental health and substance use recovery and wellness journeys,” according to Cross Over board secretary Dawn Young. “We are blessed to have her join our team. We welcome Jen and look forward to building our relationship with her. God continues to bring us people committed to our vision and mission.”
“I am looking forward to working with our community and bringing my personal experience and professional knowledge to help grow opportunities, bring awareness, and reduce stigma towards people with mental health and substance use disorders,” Carron said about the opportunity to be a member of the Cross Over board. “I am a wife, mother, daughter, and sister; and multiple people in my life have experienced mental health or substance use challenges.”
Cross Over Ministries serves Montgomery County and surrounding areas. It is located in Hillsboro, Illinois. For more information about Cross Over and the programs they offer, visit their website, or their Facebook page. You may also call them at 217-608-0266.
Cross Over Ministries has published our second issue of our new grief support newsletter called FROGS (Friends Reaching Out—Grief Support)! Look inside for ways to seek hope, forgiveness, and channel loss into purpose; embrace the ups and downs of grieving; and find community in others with shared experience.
By Mary (Galer) Herschelman Hillsboro Journal-News
Pictured above, Linda Liebscher of Cross Over Ministries welcomes about 125 to the first-ever mental health summit, Conquering the Mind, held Saturday, March 12, at the Hillsboro Free Methodist Church. Behind Liebscher are actors from the musical, “The Master’s Peace,” which was previewed to open the summit.
“I didn’t want to die, I just didn’t know how to live,” drug overdose survivor Sam Anthony Lucania told the crowd of about 125 at the first-ever mental health summit, Conquering the Mind, held Saturday, March 12, at the Hillsboro Free Methodist Church.
Organized by the non-profit group, Cross Over Ministries, the five-hour event was focused on sharing stories of survival and recovery and bringing healing to Montgomery County.
Dawn Young of Cross Over Ministries welcomed everyone to the summit and opened in prayer, before a preview of the musical, “The Master’s Peace,” written by Linda Liebscher of Cross Over Ministries. Many of the performers in the musical have gone through the recovery process and are sharing their story with others.
Before the musical began, Cross Over Ministries volunteers shared statistics that 17 lives were lost in Montgomery County in 2021 to suicide or drug overdose.
Liebscher shared her vision in creating a Christ-centered living room in Montgomery County, open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for those facing a mental health crisis. She recognized Marti Coderko for helping to create quilts that will be on the beds in the living room, and offered those present a chance to donate to the program in honor or in memory of someone.
“This is just the beginning, and we’re going to need all of you to make it happen,” Liebscher said.
The summit featured three nationwide speakers, Sam Anthony Lucania, Andy Raines and Sam Eaton, who all shared their story of survival to the group in powerful ways.
In addition to their remarks, local Recovery Support Peers shared five-minute personal testimony throughout the day about their own journey to recovery.
Several other organizations joined Cross Over Ministries in helping to present the summit, including St. Francis Way Clinic, Montgomery County Health Department, Eden’s Glory and Lincoln Land Community College. All had booths set up during the breaks, and there were counselors on hand throughout the summit for anyone who wanted to talk.
Following the presentation of the mental health summit, Cross Over Ministries is planning an event on Thursday, April 7, beginning at 6 p.m. at their home, located at 102 N. Main Street in Hillsboro, just above the Montgomery County Farm Bureau office. The event will focus on making the living room a reality in Montgomery County.
“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” John 1:5.
Pictured above, The first of three guest speakers at the Mental Health Summit, Sam Anthony Lucania, shared his story of surviving a drug overdose and finding purpose in life through recovery.
For the past two years, Hillsboro Area Hospital has embarked on a mission to bring mental health programming to local children and families, including the Sources of Strength and the Blues Program.
Hillsboro Area Hospital is now pleased to announce a third program will be coming that can reach the county at large called the Strengthening Families Program. Existing and new programming will be supported by the COVID-19 School Wellness Initiative (Illinois) grant awarded through the Illinois Children’s Healthcare Foundation and the Hillsboro Area Health Foundation.
The Strengthening Families Program is a series of group classes for parents and youth between seven to 17 years old that focuses on reducing behavioral, emotional, academic, and social struggles in youth by increasing family resilience, strengthening family relationships, and supporting parenting skills.
Participating families will be asked to engage in 14 weekly sessions. During the weekly sessions, families in the program will have a meal provided for them. In addition, families can take advantage of services to watch little ones so that parents can participate in the program with their older children.
This new resource program is evidence-based, has been tested in both urban and rural communities and is already running in over 35 countries. Support from the community is essential for programs like Strengthening Families to be successful. Bringing this program to Montgomery County would not be possible without collaboration with Cross Over Ministries, which is providing the space and trainers. SIU School of Medicine will also continue to provide support.
For further information about this program contact Lynette Weiss at 217-608-0266.
By Tori O’Dell Hillsboro Journal-News
Pictured above, Cross Over board members Linda Liebscher and Dawn Young sit in the ministries’ “Living Room,” a safe, inviting place for those in the midst of a mental health crisis. Among the many programs Cross Over Ministries offers, the outreach is gearing up to host a mental health summit on Saturday, March 12.
“Conquering The Mind” is the focus of Cross Over Ministries’ upcoming mental health summit, set for Saturday, March 12, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at The Free Methodist Church of Hillsboro.
“I was listening to an interview given by Mandisa Lynn Hundley (a Christian recording artist) where she shared her personal testimony on how she struggles with severe depression, and I just had it laid on my heart that there are so many people in Montgomery County who need to hear others speak openly about their own trials,” said Dawn Young, board secretary and organizer of the upcoming summit. “To me this is not an educational summit in the traditional sense. You aren’t going to learn about specific techniques or practices to manage mental health or substance use challenges. ‘Conquering The Mind’ is really about giving people hope and letting them know that they aren’t alone.”
Centered around Romans 8:37, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us,” the summit will feature three main speakers, Sam Anthony Lucania, owner and founder of Sam Anthony Speaks, Sam Eaton, executive director and lead communicator at Recklessly Alive and Andy Raines, an artist with Passion Painter Ministry, who will share their personal experiences with mental health and substance use.
Lucania, a professional speaker, personal trainer, and lifestyle coach in long term recovery from substance use disorder, will share his experiences with drugs, alcohol, depression, anxiety and suicidal behavior, as well as his recovery journey. Eaton is a teacher, author, speaker and the founder of Recklessly Alive, a suicide prevention organization. A suicide survivor himself, Eaton is passionate about helping people tell a better story with their lives. Known as the “passion painter,” Raines will speak about how he uses his unique talent to overcome labels and drug addiction. In addition to speaking at the upcoming summit, Lucania and Eaton plan to share their stories at each of the four high schools in Montgomery County, as well as Carlinville High School.
The summit will also feature the personal testimonies of some of Cross Over Ministries’ Recovery Support Peers. Attendees will be treated to drinks, snacks and lunch, as well as the chance to win attendance prizes. They will also get a sneak peek at “The Master’s Peace,” a musical written by Linda Liebscher, board president of Cross Over Ministries, that examines the meaning of forgiveness, reconciliation, radical change, hope, and grace.
“I don’t know any other way to say it other than that the musical was ‘given to me’ by the Lord, because I have no musical ability whatsoever,” Liebscher said with a self-deprecating laugh. “There were so many people who came alongside me to help put the songs to music because they felt that it is something that really needs to be heard. The majority of the performers are people who are in recovery. The real emphasis is on allowing the community to see that recovery is possible and that they, as community members, can be the ones to help people along the way. People with substance abuse and mental health conditions are in dire need of a community that will surround and love them right where they are at. This doesn’t mean that your life has to be dedicated to eradicating these challenges. It can be as simple as reaching out to someone who is struggling or offering a job to someone in recovery.”
While Cross Over Ministries is acting as facilitator of the summit, several other organizations, including St. Francis Way Clinic, Montgomery County Health Department, Eden’s Glory, and Lincoln Land Community College will set up booths during the event to talk about the many resources that they provide.
“Our mission is always focused on whole-person wellness—helping people heal all areas of their lives—and that is not something we can do alone,” stated Liebscher. “Cross Over is not a one-stop-shop by any matter, which is why we are beyond grateful to partner with so many organizations and businesses within the county.”
Community collaboration and outreach are always at the forefront of the non-profit organization’s goals, which are to not only provide resources for those in the midst of a mental health or substance use crisis but to change the “face” of what is commonly presented as a person who is struggling with any of these issues and help tear down the stigmas surrounding those with mental illnesses.
“Like many small, rural communities we have a lot of negative connotations surrounding mental health and substance use, especially around the individuals who struggle. The lack of knowledge regarding mental health and people with mental illnesses is huge and because of that there are many, many people in our community that suffer alone because they are afraid of being labeled. The brain is an organ in the body, and like any other organ it requires care when under attack,” Young said.
In addition to collaborating with local resources, Cross Over Ministries offers a variety of programs out of their “home,— on the second floor of the Montgomery County Farm Bureau building in Hillsboro. They host the “Winners Circle” a program for people who are involved with the justice system; training Recovery Support Peers; the Living Room, a non-clinical Christ centered intervention program for people in the midst of a behavioral, emotional, or mental health crisis; bible studies; a suicide survivors support group; Al-Anon meetings (from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Thursday evenings), Narcotics Anonymous meetings (on Mondays from 7 to 8 p.m.); Divorce Care; and Second Saturday art programs; as well as providing emergency funding for housing and food.
Cross Over Ministries hopes to offer more suicide prevention and trauma informed care trainings to the community later this year. The educational training sessions center around making community members more aware of what they can do to help reduce the stigma around substance use and mental illness. They are also partnering with Hillsboro Area Hospital to offer an evidence-based program geared towards strengthening families.
“In my opinion one of the greatest things that Cross Over Ministries offers is equipping people who have lived experiences of substance use and mental illness to go out into the community and share their stories of hope while living a purpose-filled life, whatever that looks like to them,” Liebscher concluded. “Our goal is to build a recovery program to heal and embrace those living in the darkness of mental health and substance use, that will be replicated by communities throughout the country. We need leaders, organizations, law enforcement and members of the community from all walks of life to come alongside, because together is the only way we can prevail.”
Those interested may register for the upcoming Conquering The Mind Summit online or by calling 217-608-0266.
On Monday, Jan. 3, Cross Over Ministries board member Kate Wedekind, pictured above, presented on QPR training to teachers at Litchfield High School. QPR stands for “Question, Persuade and Refer,” three simple steps that can help prevent suicide. QPR training helps teach people how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade and refer someone to get help. For more information about Cross Over Ministries, visit or follow them on Facebook.
Cross Over Ministries has published our first issue of our new grief support newsletter called FROGS (Friends Reaching Out—Grief Support)! Look inside for ways to seek hope and relaxation, honor those we have lost, and find community in others with shared experience.
Nearly 50 local residents joined together on Saturday, Nov. 20, in support of suicide survivors. Just before Thanksgiving each year, there’s a day set aside for survivors to come together to find connection, understanding, and hope through shared experiences. This year’s ceremony was held in Shane Cole Park in Nokomis for the second year in a row. Prior to the ceremony, participants were invited to purchase luminaries in memory of those lost to suicide, and their names were read during the ceremony. This year, 45 luminaries were lit, and all proceeds benefit Cross Over Ministries. The ceremony also included a Native American rock and feature ritual, used to bring about healing and hope. Two families in attendance, the Wedekinds and the Singlers, also talked about the new Frogs group, which offers grief support. For more information, contact Cross Over Ministries.
WSMI Radio’s “Around Montgomery County with Shawn Balint” featured an interview with representatives from Cross Over Ministries on Saturday, May 1, 2021. The fifteen-minute long discussion included an overview of the faith-based organization, current issues and challenges for individuals and community in 2021, breaking the stigma, mental health opportunities for whole person wellness in the local area, and spreading the word and hope about Mental Health Awareness Month.
Cross Over Ministries is delighted to share that Pastor Cassie Sexton-Riggs has joined our Advisory Council. She will be joining Pastor Randy Sands of the Hillsboro Free Methodist Church, Pastor Jeff Hemken of Calvary Baptist Church in Hillsboro and Matt Houser, Principal of Faith Bible Christian Academy in Rosamond.
Pastor Cassie has been the Pastor of the Union Avenue Christian Church in Litchfield since November, 2017. She is also the Secretary of the Litchfield Ministerial Alliance. Her husband, Michael, pastors the Union Avenue Christian Church in St. Louis.
“I believe that being healthy involves spiritual, mental and physical,” Pastor Cassie explained when asked her reasons for becoming a part of Cross Over Ministries. “You can’t truly be healthy without taking care of all three. Mental health is the one we never talk about though because we have been taught it isn’t ‘polite’ and that has contributed to the mental health crisis in our country.”
She went on to share, “The lack of mental health care has a direct correlation between drug and alcohol addiction and suicide. All of these are major issues here in Montgomery County.”
“It will be a privilege to be able to have the Board of COM seek advice and get input from Pastor Cassie,” Linda Liebscher, President of Cross Over Ministries, said. “I have gotten to know her through the Litchfield Ministerial Alliance and I and the rest of the Board along with the other members of the Advisory Council are looking forward to building a strong relationship with her.”
Cross Over Ministries is a Christ-centered community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities in Montgomery County and beyond. For further information about COM, please visit their website at or their Facebook page.
Pictured above, from the left are Recovery Support Peers Tanya Maria, Tudy Hill, Amber Kith and Kyle Smith, along with Cross Over Ministries board members Linda Liebscher, Wayne Wedekind, Jodi Reynolds, Kate Niemeier, Lynette Weiss, Andrea Ruppert, Diane Singler and Becky Wedekind. [PHOTO COURTESY OF BROOKS MORELAND]
Around the world, people pause to remember the survivors of suicide loss at the end of November each year. It’s a day set aside for survivors to come together to find connection, understanding and hope through their shared experiences.
Cross Over Ministries in Montgomery County hosted a special ceremony on Saturday, Nov. 21, at Shane Cole Park in Nokomis.
Prior to the ceremony, participants were asked to select a bead necklace in a variety of colors. The colors signified their relationship to someone who has been a victim of suicide. Orange signifies the loss of a sibling, purple is the loss of a relative or friend, white is the loss of a child, gold is the loss of a parent, red is the loss of a partner or spouse, silver is the loss of a first responder or military member. Teal beads signify that someone’s loved one struggles, blue beads support the cause and green beads support a personal struggle.
The group created luminaries in memory of those who have been lost to suicide and read their names in a special ceremony.
Following the reading of names, the ceremony included a Native American rock and feather ceremony, which is an ancient ritual of healing and hope. The rock and feather are used to represent both the pains of the past and the hope of the future.
Before concluding the ceremony, Cross Over Ministries announced two new board members, including Andrea Ruppert of Witt and Jodi Reynolds of Nokomis.
They also announced they will soon open The Living Room, which provides a mental health crisis alternative for adults, on the second level of the Montgomery County Farm Bureau building in downtown Hillsboro.
It will offer free crisis intervention, an alternative to hospital emergency rooms and a safe, comfortable and confidential place for those who need it.
Pictured above, Sitting left to right, Mikka Lipe, Amber Kite, Becky Brasfield (Facilitator); Standing left to right, Jeff Weaver. Kyle Smith, Regina Crider (facilitator), AJ French( facilitator and Gift of Voice President), Tudy Hill. Gloria Centeno (facilitator) Tanya Maria and Linda Liebscher.
Recovery Support Peers began their six-month training program sponsored by Cross Over Ministries by attending the two-day Competency Training held in Hillsboro at Calvary Baptist Church on September 28th and 29th. Facilitators from Edwardsville, Rantoul and Chicago introduced the RSPs to the four domains that they will actively participate in for the duration of their training. The domains are advocacy, professional responsibility, mentoring and recovery support. Emphasis will be placed on mentoring and recovery support since the RSPs will eventually be hired by COM to be the essential staff at The Living Room, a crisis intervention program that is a long-term goal of the ministry.
“This diverse group was wonderful to work with and very receptive to new concepts regarding mental health recovery and wellness,” said AJ French, Founder and President of Gift of Voice, whom Cross Over Ministries contracted with to facilitate the training. “All of the facilitators were delighted to hear how the RSPs have put into practice some of the things they learned. This team really impressed us.”
The RSPs will continue their training with on-line programs, bi-weekly team meetings, helping to facilitate mental health educational programs, sharing their own stories, learning about recovery resources and meeting with people who work in mental health, and working directly with COM to develop The Living Room. They will also be learning about how a Board operates so that eventually they will become their own Board under the leadership of Cross Over Ministries.
“Most people think that because a person has a mental health condition or a substance use disorder that they will be limited to working in this field. Some may choose to do so. We want their training to include opportunities to become leaders in whatever field they decide to go into and for them as well as our community to realize their value and the gifts they have to offer, whatever they decide to do,” Linda Liebscher, President of Cross Over Ministries, stated. “I have already learned so much from them in a short time. COM believes that the Lord will fulfill His Word to them; He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that they ask or think.”
For more information about Cross Over Ministries or about the Recovery Support Peer training, please visit this webpage.
By Mary (Galer) Herschelman Hillsboro Journal-News
Pictured above, from the left are Dawn Young, Linda Liebscher, Montgomery County Board Chairman Evan Young, Randy and Diane Singler, Kyle Reynolds and Jodi Reynolds. Not pictured is Chad Ruppert.
“Every citizen in our county can help to end the silence and the stigma that creates a barrier to individuals seeking help when they are depressed or having suicidal thoughts,” read County Coordinator Chris Daniels, as part of a proclamation marking September as Suicide Awareness Prevention Month.
“We, the citizens of Montgomery County affirm the intrinsic value of every person in our county and desire for each individual to know their true worth and potential, thereby encouraging them to become contributing members of our communities.”
Members of Crossover Ministries joined the regular monthly meeting of the Montgomery County Board on Tuesday evening, Sept. 8, at the Historic Courthouse in downtown Hillsboro to help bring awareness to the importance of mental health.
According to the Center for Disease Control, suicide is the tenth leading cause of death in the United States, second leading cause of death for people ten to 34 and fourth leading cause of death for people ages 35 to 54.
Board Chairman Evan Young signed the proclamation, which was approved unanimously.
Diane Singler of Irving and Jodi Reynolds of Nokomis, both who have lost children to suicide, spoke to the board the need to decrease the stigma of suicide and that the youth as well as adults need to know where they can go for help.
“It’s an invisible disease that can happen to anyone,” Singler said.
Cross Over Ministries is now taking applications through September 15th for a new mental health training program that will eventually lead to employment. “This six-month training program is specifically designed for people in recovery from a mental health condition or substance use disorder who have a desire to support others in their wellness journey,” Board Member, Kate Niemeier, said. “Recovery Support Peers use their personal recovery experiences and the unique insight they have gained to also help shape systems of care. They will be an asset to many as they participate fully in the life of our community. They will have an integral role in the development and establishment of an alternative crisis intervention in Montgomery County called, ‘The Living Room’ and will be essential team members of it.”
The training program will kick off with a two full-day training on Monday, September, 28th and Tuesday, September 29th. This Competency Training is the same training that Illinois Certified Recovery Support Specialists attend in Springfield. “With COVID 19, the training in Springfield is now done virtually over a three-month period. We wanted future Recovery Support Peers to be able to do an in-person training so we have contracted with Gift of Voice to do the training locally,” Niemeier stated.
There will be a maximum of 6 people who will go through the Competency Training since there will be 4 facilitators doing the training. After the two-day training, RSPs will spend approximately 20 hours per month for the next 6 months enhancing competency skills in the domains of mentoring, advocacy, professional responsibility and support.
Dawn Young, Secretary of Cross Over Ministries, sees the training program and eventual hiring of Recovery Support Peers as a way to fulfill the mission and vision of COM. “As a Christ Centered community committed to cultivating mental health recovery and wellness through hope, opportunity, mercy and encouragement, the Board is fully invested in the Recovery Support Peer Program and the people who will become a part of our team. This is very exciting for us and our community.”
For more information or to get an application please visit this webpage.
Lynette Weiss of Cross Over Ministries presented a basket of goodies on August 4, 2020 to Katie Duncan, Director of Human Resources, Hillsboro Area Hospital. “We realize the commitment our hospital employees have made to our community,” Weiss said. “Cross Over Ministries wanted them to know how much we appreciate all they are doing to keep us safe. We also realize the additional stress they may be experiencing and we thought that some good eats and treats might brighten their day.”
Weiss is a volunteer with Cross Over Ministries, a Christ-Centered Community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities. She created the basket herself and jammed it full of a variety of treats that would satisfy even those who are on a gluten free diet. “I was very excited to present this gift to HAH,” Weiss commented. “There was so much to put into it that I had to use a laundry basket. But I don’t think they minded at all!”
For more information about Cross Over Ministries, please visit their website at or their Facebook page. “If you see something that interests you don’t hesitate to connect with us. We welcome volunteers and are looking for additional Board Members,” stated Weiss. “You will enjoy being a part of our team.”
Cross Over Ministries fiscal year began June 30, 2020. The Board of COM recently established short-term, medium-term and long-term goals for the upcoming fiscal year. Our goals represent what we see as current mental health opportunities in our community. We are always open to changing and adapting our goals to coincide with specific needs that might arise and the direction that Jesus Christ leads us.
In order to fully engage in and implement goals for “The Living Room”, Cross Over Ministries felt it necessary to establish specific short-term, medium-term and long-terms goals for Recovery Support Peers separate from our other goals. RSPs will be the most vital and essential members of “The Living Room”. Without them and the emphasis on their continued recovery, training, education and establishment of relationships within Cross Over Ministries and the community, “The Living Room” will not exist. As with our other goals, Cross Over Ministries is open to adapting and changing these goals based on the needs of our RSPs and our community that might arise and the direction that Jesus Christ leads us.
In order to fully engage in and implement goals for “The Living Room”, Cross Over Ministries felt it necessary to establish specific short-term, medium-term and long-terms goals for Recovery Support Peers separate from our other goals. RSPs will be the most vital and essential members of “The Living Room”. Without them and the emphasis on their continued recovery, training, education and establishment of relationships within Cross Over Ministries and the community, “The Living Room” will not exist. As with our other goals, Cross Over Ministries is open to adapting and changing these goals based on the needs of our RSPs and our community that might arise and the direction that Jesus Christ leads us.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and Cross Over Ministries is hosting a virtual walk this week. Pictured above, Kris and Jodi Reynolds invited friends and family to join them on Saturday, May 23, walking from the Witt Lions Building to the Witt Cemetery, in memory of their son, Kaden.
Local residents are still invited to join the virtual walk through May 28, choosing their own date and course. Those who donate $20 will be eligible to win prizes and all participants will receive a “Be Well, Live Well” sticker. Participants are encouraged to share photos to social media using the hashtag #destroythedarkness. On the final night, May 28, participants are invited to light a candle or turn their porch lights on in honor of or in memory of those who struggle with mental illness.
Registration forms are available online at and donations may be sent to Cross Over Ministries, PO Box 238, Hillsboro, IL 62049.
By Linda Liebscher, president and one of the founders of Cross Over Ministries
Hillsboro Journal-News
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Some people assume they are well mentally because they do not have a diagnosed mental illness, they do not use illicit drugs and they don’t take medication for depression or anxiety. And, this may be true for many people.
Recently however, life as we have known it has changed. COVID-19 has infiltrated almost every area of our lives—jobs, school, activities, caring for our loved ones, being able to grieve well, even our ideas on what our future holds. It is a different time, one that can make us fearful, lonely, anxious and mad.
For me, it is a time to retreat. If I can just read a good book, delve into my Bible, watch some mind-numbing television, pretend that my life is just fine and take seven naps a day, then I do not have to think about what is really happening in the world and inside of me. I am not one of those who assumes I am mentally well because I do have a mental illness and I do take medication for my depression. But I am certainly one of those who pretends to be mentally well.
One of the healthiest things we can all be doing right now is... talk. Not the, “how are you—I am fine” talking, not even the “we are going to get through this together” talking, but the “down in my innermost being I really don’t want to talk about it” talking. It may not even have to do with COVID and the changes in your circumstances this pandemic has brought. It just may be something that you have hidden for a long time that needs to come out so you can start healing.
Some of us have great friends and family that allow us to share ourselves, who pray with us and encourage us. Many have built a support system within their church or organization. Others of us have found a great counselor who asks some tough questions and make us think about what needs to change.
What about those of us who have no one? Well, in Montgomery County, there is always someone. There are national and state organizations. We have a mental health department that is willing to talk with you anytime, day or night. We have many pastors who are not only great listeners and pray-ers, but also know of resources and can help you connect. There are counselors in our area that truly care. And there are people who are in their own recovery process who will listen to you, not judge you and will respect you.
So, do you want to talk—really? Do you want to really talk? Let someone know. Let family or friends or the mental health department or your doctor or a pastor or a national organization or Cross Over Ministries know. They won’t have all the answers. They definitely won’t be your answer, but letting someone know is your first step in getting help. And getting help is your first step in gaining hope. And hope allows us to see life from a different perspective even if our circumstances don’t change.
I think I am going to really talk to someone this week. How about you?
By Linda Liebscher, president and one of the founders of Cross Over Ministries
Hillsboro Journal-News
Nature has a way of speaking volumes—if we will only listen. And nature also has a way of opening our eyes to some truths that we might not have been able to express on our own. That is exactly what happened when Diane heard nature speaking as she was walking her dog, Dolly.
It was a walnut—not something that most of us would consider a gift of nature. Except, this walnut had been cut in two, right down the middle, exposing its most inward parts. Your guess is as good as mine as to what could have split the walnut into two equal halves. There it was, though, ready for whomever came across it to notice it.
I am grateful for friends like Diane. She not only sees beauty in nature, she shares it. So, when she forwarded the picture of this walnut to me, I was immediately drawn to the two complete hearts inside of it. Even though the walnut was no longer “whole,” it seemed to have more to offer after it had been cracked open. Its exposed inward parts had a message.
I asked Diane what she thought of the wonderful image she sent to me. Diane had this to share:
God’s love appears in unexpected ways. I really feel that these shapes are more than the shapes of hearts, but also represent openness, since they are split open. A blog by “Anxious Cucumber” put it this way: “Open hearts, free minds.” This is a good message for now with all the anxiety people are feeling. It is time for people to open up. It is also a time for those of us who know people who are having a difficult time to connect with them and share our hearts.
It’s amazing that a walnut could speak so profoundly. And just think, had it not been for the brokenness of the walnut, Diane may not have even noticed it. She would have missed out on nature speaking to her. I would have missed out too.
Could it be that your brokenness and my brokenness need to be shared? Would we become bigger-hearted people by allowing others to know our inward parts? If we open up to others and allow them to open up to us, is there a possibility we would experience a freedom of our minds that would help us to value and accept people who are different from us?
Jesus answered all of these questions with a resounding “yes” by sharing His very life with us. His brokenness became our wholeness. His Spirit living in us makes us able to share our hearts with others. His great love and how He values every life leave no room for the deception of stigma and harsh judgement.
I will never forget the image of the walnut Diane sent me. It’s etched in my mind and it has opened my eyes to some truths that Diane shared and some truths that it revealed to me. Yes, it really did speak. I bet some of you looking at the image right now are hearing it speak too.
Many of us are taking more walks nowadays because some of our other forms of entertainment are not available right now. Taking walks is a good thing, at least that’s what my Nurse Practitioner tells me. Next time you are on a walk, open yourself up to the adventure of nature speaking to you. You just might hear a truth that allows you to realize that life is still good, opening up to others can free your mind from anxiety, God is still in control and walnuts can bring messages of sharing, caring and hope.
In recognition of Mental Health Awareness Week, Cross Over Ministries is hosting a virtual walk throughout Montgomery County. Mental Health Awareness Week is May 18-24, and organizers with Cross Over Ministries will be hosting daily events and activities on the group’s Facebook page throughout the week.
Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and social distancing guidelines, they will also sponsor a virtual walk/run the week of May 23 through May 28. “You choose your days, time, distance and favorite route to join us from your community to raise awareness about mental health,” said volunteer Andrea Ruppert.
Donations to the organization will be accepted for the virtual walk, and donations of all size will be accepted, but those who donate $20 or more will be eligible for participation prizes. All participants will also receive a “Be Well, Stay Well, Live Well” sticker after the event is complete.
Participants are encouraged to share photos from their walk on social media using the hashtag #destroythedarkness and #crossoverministries. “Also share with us how may days you participated that week, your distance, your most unique route and any other highlights so we can connect with you,” Ruppert said.
On the very last night, May 28, organizers ask participants to light a candle or turn on their porch light in honor or in memory of those who struggle with mental illness.
Pre-registration for the walk is available online at, or checks may be sent to Cross Over Ministries, PO Box 238, Hillsboro, IL 62049.
For more information, contact Andrea Ruppert, Kate Niemeier or Dawn Young.
All proceeds will be used in Montgomery County to promote mental health needs through Cross Over Ministries, which is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Cross Over Ministries has published our first issue of our new Monthly Newsletter! Thank you all for keeping Montgomery County moving forward during this different, COVID-19, time in all of our lives. Now we invite you to catch up on the “news” with our mission, vision, goals, and activities.
Plus! May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Get some tips on how you can help despite social distancing restrictions.
Issue | Read |
May 2020 Newsletter (.docx) | Download DOCX |
May 2020 Newsletter (.pdf) | Download PDF |
Kate Niemeier of Butler has become a Board Member of Cross Over Ministries. She has been volunteering with the organization for several months and was voted in as a Board Member at the meeting on Tuesday, April 21.
“We are so excited to have Kate working with us,” said Dawn Young, Secretary of COM. “She brings such energy and innovative ideas to the table and she is willing to do what she can to help fulfill our mission. We are very blessed to have her join us.”
Niemeier is a 2006 graduate of Hillsboro High School and a 2010 graduate of Western Illinois University with a degree in Ag education. She has been a strong advocate of agriculture and loves to do crafts, show livestock and garden in her free time. She is married to Steve and they have two beautiful boys, Bode who is 4 and Bryce who is 3.
“My advocacy for mental health was not something I chose. It chose me when I lost my brother Andrew to suicide in 2014, Niemeier shared. “My parents, Becky and Wayne Wedekind, and I were at a complete loss as to why Andrew would take his own life. Since that time, we have been learning about the signs of suicide, mental health conditions, and how to support those who need help. Our grief will never go away, but we see the opportunity to be involved with Cross Over Ministries as one way to share Andrew’s story. We know he would want us to do just that.” Niemeier has a Facebook page called “Hope in the Hollow” which is dedicated to mental health advocacy. You can also follow her on Twitter @hopeinthehollow.
“It has been a difficult journey for my family and without God we would never be able to do what we are doing. But, as my dad always says, if we can help one person and be a part of saving just one life, then the pain of sharing our story is worth it. Perhaps we can give hope to others,” Niemeier stated.
For more information about Cross Over Ministries and to find out ways you can be involved, visit their website at or call Dawn Young at 217-710-5332.
Counselors & 24 hour Mental Health Crisis Hotline
Illinois has set up a Remote Patient Monitoring Program for mental health services. This telehealth and mental health support line is for underserved communities and those at risk during the COVID 19 pandemic. To access this program, text TALK to 552020. Please do not wait to get the mental health treatment you deserve.
Also remember that Montgomery County Mental Health is open and has available counselors for you. You can call them Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at 217-532-2001 (Hillsboro) and 217-324-3430 (Litchfield).
There is also a 24 hour Mental Health Crisis Hotline which can be reached at 888-324-5052 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and after hours or weekends at 217-313-4730.
Let your community support you!
“Don’t wait for a crisis before you start taking care of yourself,” featured speaker Adrienne DeSutter said to a room full of farm families at the “Faith, Family, Friends, Farmers & Future” event hosted by Cross Over Ministries and the Montgomery County Farm Bureau on Thursday, Feb. 20, at the Butler Community Center.
The event focused on sharing ways that farm families can handle the stress in their occupation. DeSutter, a Knox County farm wife with a masters degree in counseling who now advocates for farmers’ mental health, told those present that farmers suffer higher-than-average levels of stress, depression, substance use and suicide.
“I’m not happy we have to have these conversations, but I’m happy we’re ready to,” the speaker said before teaching her audience how to recognize signs of a possible crisis, specifically in agriculture.
The event also featured a farm-themed parody video, Annette Blankenship led a dance before she and Dawn Young shared farm humor, and Pastor Stefan Munker of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Hillsboro led a devotion based on the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Matthew.
“My friends, Jesus knows that we have worries, but Jesus does not want these worries to overwhelm us,” the pastor said.
Dinner was provided by Milanos Catering, and Montgomery County Farm Bureau Manager Katie Wilson was master of ceremonies. The program ended with Linda Liebscher describing the mission of Cross Over Ministries and members of the ministries sharing their connections.
Cross Over Ministries and Montgomery County Farm Bureau will be celebrating our hardworking farmers on Thursday, February 20, 2020. The free event will be held at the MCFB, 102 N. Main Street, Suite #1, Hillsboro. The theme of the event is “High Five to our Farmers”—Faith, Family, Friends, Farmers and Future, and will include a dinner at 6:00 p.m., a devotional by Pastor Stefan Munker, entertainment and a discussion on managing stress by Adrienne DeSutter. Adrienne is a Knox County farm wife and advocate for farmer’s mental health. With a Master’s degree and certification in Counseling, Adrienne works off the farm as a Behavioral Health Consultant, partnering with agriculture organizations to combat farmer suicide and provide education on ag wellness.
“It is vitally important that our farmers and their families are recognized for their contribution to Montgomery County, to our State and to our Country,” Katie Wilson, Director of Montgomery CFB said. “By providing an evening that honors them, we hope they will see what we seldom say, ‘Thank you’. We are excited to partner with Cross Over Ministries for this event.”
Reservations are requested by February 7, 2020, and can be made by calling the Montgomery County CFB Office at 217-532-6171.
“Your life is full of ‘not yets,’” Sam Anthony Lucania shared with high school and junior high students at Lincolnwood in Raymond on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 28.
Sponsored by Cross Over Ministries, Lucania shared a message of wellness along with his personal experiences with drugs, alcohol, anxiety, depression and suicidal behavior to help motivate students in all four school districts in Montgomery County–Hillsboro and Lincolnwood on Tuesday, then Litchfield and Nokomis on Wednesday.
His visit concluded with a free public event at The Event Center in Taylor Springs on Wednesday evening.
Lucania began his hour-long presentation to students by graphically demonstrating how he was found by his wife in 2013 on the verge of death after an overdose on prescription drugs.
“I am the face of addiction,” the fit, energetic and charismatic speaker said.
He emphasized to students that their lives are full of “not yets,” and encouraged them to focus on the positive things they will accomplish but haven’t yet, and not give in to negative experiences they have yet to try.
He told students how his unwillingness to share his anxiety problems led to substance abuse, arrests, and his near-death overdose.
“I didn’t want to die,” Lucania said. “I just didn’t know how to live.”
He encouraged students to share moments of anxiety and depression, and to be willing to seek help.
“Don’t be afraid to give up the person that other people think you should be,” the speaker said. ”Be the person you know you are.”
Cross Over Ministries, sponsor of the two-day events, specifically sought out Lucania, a New Jersey native, as someone who could connect with youth in Montgomery County, where the suicide rate is higher than the state average, and both hospitals report increased rates of patients with depression.
Through hope, opportunity, mercy, and encouragement, Cross Over Ministries is a grass roots not-for-profit working to cultivate mental health opportunities and promote individual recovery and wellness through resources for mental health, recovery, and suicide prevention; assistance with co-pays and transportation; training opportunities; support and recovery groups; community awareness and advocacy; and story-sharing in the form of memorials and testimonials.
Cross Over Ministries and the Christian Church of Litchfield are collaborating to bring DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) to Litchfield. The 13-week program will be held each Monday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., beginning Monday, Feb 3.
DC4K provides a safe, fun place where children can learn to understand and express their emotions appropriately. The outreach program aims to bring much needed healing to area children and families affected by divorce.
While titled divorce care, the program is for children going through any kind of family fragmentation whether the upheaval is due to divorce, incarceration, addiction or other factors. The mission of DC4K is to provide children with a safe, neutral place to gain an age-appropriate understanding of separation.
The interactive course focuses on teaching young children how to process and share their feelings. Each week of the program will focus on breaking down a different aspect associated with parental separation. The sessions feature games, crafts, role playing, discussion times, journaling and activity books to help children process parental separation and move forward in their lives.
While DC4K is geared towards children, an adult program will run concurrently at the church. While it is not mandatory for parents to attend the adult program, it is encouraged. Similar to DC4K the adult course aims to provide a space for single parents to come together to discuss the emotional aspects of divorce and how to raise thriving children in a fragmented family. Like the children’s course, each week will cover a different topic and the group will share inspirational articles and real life experiences from fellow single parents.
The program has a $15 fee per person. These fees cover the cost of the workbook used in the program. There are scholarship opportunities available to help cover registration costs. Those interested may find more information or register for the program by calling or texting 217-820-2143 or online at
The Christian Church of Litchfield is located at 131 Yaeger Lake Trail. While held in Litchfield, the program is open to any child age five through 12 years old, and their parents, who are in need of the ministry-based service.Sam Anthony Lucania will be sharing his story of hope and recovery with students at four local high schools on Tuesday and Wednesday, Jan. 28-29, and at a free public event on Wednesday evening at The Event Center in Taylor Springs.
Lucania shares a message of wellness along with his personal experiences with drugs, alcohol, anxiety, depression and suicidal behavior to motivate others to seek help. He will be speaking at the morning session on Tuesday at Hillsboro High School and in the afternoon to students at Lincolnwood High School. On Wednesday, Sam will be visiting Nokomis High School in the morning and Litchfield High School in the afternoon.
The free public event on Wednesday, Jan. 29, will begin at 6:30 p.m. at The Event Center.
“If you want to hear the whole story, join us for the evening session,” Lucania said.
“We hope to pack the place with students, parents, teachers, counselors, law enforcement, church members, business owners, organization members and political and civic leaders,” according to Dawn Young, secretary of Cross Over Ministries. “With the increase in substance use disorders and mental health conditions in Montgomery County, it is time we all became more aware of how to reduce stigma and promote recovery and wellness.”
Statistics from the Hillsboro Area Hospital 2019 Health Needs Assessment indicate that Montgomery County’s suicide rate is higher than the state of Illinois’ rate (2010-2014) as well as the rate of Medicare beneficiaries with depression (2015). HSHS St. Francis Hospital reports that there has a been a 36 percent increase in the number of patients seen in the emergency department with behavioral health challenges from 2017 to 2019. Both hospitals are taking an active role in implementing new ways to effectively diagnose and treat these patients.
“These statistics are not just numbers,” Linda Liebscher, president of Cross Over Ministries said. “They are our friends and neighbors, our children and our parents. Cross Over Ministries is a Christ-centered community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities. It is our desire that by bringing Sam to Montgomery County, we will be influencing positive changes to the way we view people with mental health conditions and living the mission of our ministry.”
For more information about Lucania, visit his website, and to learn more about Cross Over Ministries visit their website at
by Christy Mollet, Hillsboro Journal-News
Although it was a chilly Saturday Nov. 2 morning, 50 people, including walkers, kitchen staff and Cross Over Ministries members and board, gathered together at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for the second annual Out of the Darkness and Into His Light walk. This event helps to bring awareness of suicide prevention and mental health.
Cross Over Ministries Secretary Dawn Young said, “This is our biggest fundraiser for the year. All money and donations go to the programs for mental health in Montgomery County.”
Young went on to say that some of the programs offered include prescription-assistance and medical co-pays for doctor’s office visits. “We are planning on having an event at the county schools,” Young said. “We are wanting to bring a speaker to the schools this year. We also have a program in the works to help farmers with stress management.”
After walkers returned to the church, everyone enjoyed a breakfast feast. “We thank St. Paul’s Lutheran Church for hosting the walk and breakfast,” said Young.
Linda Liebscher, president of Cross Over Ministries said, “God is leading us. He is laying the needs on our hearts. Montgomery County is in dire need of a crisis intervention center.” Cross Over members and volunteers are following the way the Lord is leading them in this journey.
Many of Cross Over members and volunteers were recognized for their hard work. In fact, David Imler, who has contributed greatly to Cross Over Ministries with prayer, support and encouragement, was given a plaque.
Although Imler was unable to attend the event, Pastor Stefan Munker received the plaque in his honor. and presented it to him on Sunday. Before everyone dismissed, participants, board members and volunteers, gathered in a circle for a closing word of prayer.
Pictured above Pastor Stefan Munker accepts a plaque for David Imler, in honor of his service and support to Cross Over Ministries. From the left are Deb Roemhildt, Kim Noyes, Becky Wedekind, Vice President Wayne Wedekind, Diane Singler, Pastor Stefan Munker, President Linda Liebscher, Secretary Dawn Young and Annette Blankenship. Not present for photo was David Imler.
Cross Over Ministries is planning its second annual “Out of the Darkness into His Light” suicide prevention and mental health walk for Saturday, Nov. 2nd in Hillsboro.
“The theme is the same as last year,” Dawn Young, Cross Over secretary and chair person of the walk said, “because the mission is still the same: we are a Christ-centered community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities so that the people of Montgomery County can live in recovery and wellness.”
The 1k walk will begin at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in downtown Hillsboro at 7:00am with registration from 6:30am until 6:55am. Participants are encouraged to register ahead of time by going to or by filling out a registration form and emailing it to, or sending it to Cross Over Ministries c/o Dawn Young, 13130 N. Hillsboro, IL 62049. The forms are available on COM’S website, . A $20 donation per walker will support and promote the Cross Over vision. Walkers 10 and under are free, and all walkers will receive a colorful LED flashlight.
“We are also very grateful for our host this year, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Hillsboro,” Young said. “They will be providing a delicious breakfast after the walk.”
You don’t have to walk the walk if you are unable, but you are still invited for breakfast and to “hear the talk,” Young said. “Our board and volunteers want to share about our future plans and how you can be involved. We would also appreciate any input about what the needs are in our communities to prevent suicides and to promote mental health. The exchange of ideas will help us to set our goals for 2020. We are a ministry that believes in whole person wellness — spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, relational, creative and educational. It is exactly what Jesus Christ wants for all of us!”
By Tori O’Dell, Hillsboro Journal-News
Cross Over Ministries and the Hillsboro Presbyterian Church are collaborating to bring DivorceCare for Kids (DC4K) to Hillsboro. The 13-week program will be held each Monday from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., Monday, Sept. 9, through Monday, Dec. 2. While held in Hillsboro, the program is open to any child age five through 12 years old, and their parents, who are in need of the ministry-based service.
Spearheaded by Cross Over Ministries volunteer Lynette Weiss, the program organizers hope to bring much needed healing to area children and parents affected by divorce. Weiss, a child of divorce herself, had gone through a similar program alongside her son, following her own divorce. The closest DC4K program was in Springfield and Weiss made the weekly commutes to attend knowing the benefits it would have for her family. While titled divorce care, the program is for children going through any kind of family fragmentation whether the upheaval is due to divorce, incarceration, addiction or other factors. The mission of DC4K is to provide children with a safe, neutral place to gain an age-appropriate understanding of separation.
“Bringing divorce care to Montgomery County is something that has been on my heart for over a decade. It was incredibly beneficial to my son and myself when we went through a divorce care program,” Weiss explained. “I was not even thinking about finally being able to start a local divorce care program when I started volunteering with Cross Over Ministries, but I couldn’t stop myself from bringing it up when we were discussing local needs. DC4K fits perfectly into the work that we do at Cross Over: catch kids young and teach them the skills they need to be better at coping with the obstacles of life.”
The interactive course focuses on teaching young children how to process and share their feelings. Each week of the program will focus on breaking down a different aspect associated with parental separation. The weekly topics include: What’s Happening to My Family, God Loves Children in All Kinds of Families, Facing My Anger, Journey from Anger to Sadness, I Am Not Alone, God’s Plan for Me, Developing New Relationships, Developing Money Smarts, It’s Not My Fault, Telling My Parents How I Feel, Forgiveness, Loving My Parents and Moving On: Growing Up and Closer to God. The goal of the sessions is to help children realize that life goes on after divorce.
While centered around healing, the topics are presented in a fun, interactive format. The sessions feature games, crafts, role playing, discussion times, journaling and activity books to help children process parental separation and move forward in their lives. The biblically-based support course places a heavy emphasis on teaching children to relax and rest securely in God’s love. The hope is that each child completes the course with the knowledge that despite the trials of separation they have the ability to create healthy and happy futures and relationships.
“In many ways a divorce is like a death. There is a profound sense of loss and pain, and our children are not spared from these feelings because they are small — they just don’t have the emotional intelligence or vocabulary to express what they are feeling yet. Because they cannot communicate these complex emotions they internalize their hurt and guilt,” said Weiss. “One of the things that shocked me when my family went through the program was how much my son really believed that our divorce was his fault.
“The divorce care program taught him that it is okay to express seemingly negative emotions like anger or sadness far better than I could as his mother, at that time, and I am a professional counselor. More importantly it allowed him to connect with other children, going through a similar hardship, and realize that he was not alone.”
While DC4K is geared towards children, an adult program will run concurrently at the church. While it is not mandatory for parents to attend the adult program, it is encouraged. Similar to DC4K the adult course aims to provide a space for single parents to come together to discuss the emotional aspects of divorce and how to raise thriving children in a fragmented family. Like the children’s course, each week will cover a different topic and the group will share inspirational articles and real life experiences from fellow single parents.
“I can only speak for my own family, but enrolling my son in a divorce care program, and going through it myself, was one of the best decisions I made following my divorce. The real beauty of the program (for me) was that taking the adult program, alongside my son, gave us things to talk about and connect on an intimate level, at a time when we were both deeply hurt. It allowed us to go through the grief of losing our family, as we had known it, together. I really believe that this program helped both of us come out of this period of our lives stronger and better adjusted to tackle hardships.”
While Hillsboro Presbyterian Church, along with the Hillsboro Ministerial Alliance, will be the first host of the DivorceCare 4 Kids program, Cross Over Ministries hopes to expand the program into Litchfield in 2020. The outreach would like the program to eventually run on a rotational basis throughout all of Montgomery County. The goal is to reach as many families as possible to help further them on the healing process, while spreading Cross Over Ministries’ message that no one is ever alone in their pain.
The program has a $15 fee per person. These fees cover the cost of the workbook used in the program. There are scholarship opportunities available to help cover registration costs. Those interested may find more information or register for the program by calling or texting Weiss at 217-820-2143 or online at
Cross Over Ministries presentation on local mental health resources will be held at the Hillsboro Public Library on Wednesday, June 19, from 5 to 6 p.m. at 214 School Street.
Linda Liebscher, Lori Hopwood and Dawn Young from Cross Over Ministries will speak about various mental health resources in the area, in order to promote mental health awareness. In addition, they will speak about their mission at Cross Over Ministries to help those who are lost emotionally or spiritually or in need of someone who understands what they are going through.
Hillsboro Public Library Director, Shelley (Singler) Kolb said, “As someone from the community who has felt very lost, and still is after the loss of a family member, I didn’t know who to go to or to turn to, and I think many people don’t realize what resources are already available in the community.”
Kolb also said that there are many who truly need help, but may not need emergency medical or psychiatric help, and it can be very difficult to find counselors, therapists or psychiatrists in the local area without having to drive to Springfield or St. Louis, MO.
“I also worry for those who may not be able to afford to go to a therapist or doctor for help and need free mental health resources. There are resources out there, as I am beginning to learn, but I don’t think everyone knows what they are or that those alternative options even exist.”
Kolb also said, “It’s big need in this community that people don’t normally think about or talk about because they are afraid to ask for help or don’t know who to go to. I plan to help Cross Over Ministries address this community’s need at the library on a professional and personal level.”
By Mike Plunkett, Hillsboro Journal-News
Photo contributed by WSMI Radio
“Sometimes you don’t know what you have until you lose it,” Cross Over Ministries Vice President Wayne Wedekind said. “I just want to keep people from experiencing that loss.” In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, observed during May since 1949, Wedekind shared what he and his wife Becky have been doing through Cross Over to honor their son, Andrew, who lost his life to suicide on January 23, 2014, and to help deter others who may be contemplating that path.
“Before we lost Andrew, for me to get in front of people and speak would be out of the question,” Wedekind said, “but we’re kind of getting bolder-making an effort to get in front of bigger crowds.”
Not only were the Wedekinds involved in the formation of Cross Over, a faith-based ministry committed to cultivating mental health opportunities, promoting individual recovery and wellness through hope, opportunity, mercy and encouragement, they have been instrumental in programs and training aimed at reversing the high rate of suicide in Montgomery County.
Kevin Hines is one of only eight to survive a suicide jump from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco and a movie about his story was shown in both Hillsboro and Litchfield. The Wedekinds also spoke at QPR (Question, Persuade and Refer) suicide prevention training hosted by Cross Over in both Hillsboro and Litchfield, and they hosed suicide outreach programs featuring Sam Eaton who founded the “Recklessly Alive” suicide ministry.
Using funds donated as memorials to their son, the Wedekinds hosted Eaton at both Hillsboro High School and Western Illinois University, where Andrew was a student at the time of his death. More than 450 students attended the WIU event, and the Wedekinds are planning another, likely this fall at Lake Land College.
“Those kind of people are an inspiration to me,” Wedekind said of the work Hines and Eaton are doing to prevent suicide. “You don’t know how many lives they’ve saved.” Andrew’s parents hope sharing his story will save lives, too, but that doesn’t come without an emotional price.
“It’s been tough,” Wedekind said about sharing Andrew’s story in an effort to help others. “Every time you go through it, you go through all of the emotions again. But I think that has helped. The easy thing to do would be to shrink up and blame God. One of the natural reactions is you get mad. But He didn’t intend to hurt us. He’s kind of inspired us. This ministry is a big part of the healing process.
“For a lot of people, if someone would show them some empathy or sympathy, it would help. You’ve got to start somewhere. You can’t be afraid of making a mistake. You’ve got to get over the stigma of mental illness.”
That’s part of the focus of the QPR training hosted by Cross Over in February and March. Just asking a question of someone suspected of contemplating suicide and offering to assist them in finding help has proven effective in saving lives. “Some of the kids contemplating suicide get the feeling that the world would be a better place without them,” Wedekind said. “We need to let them know that they will be missed, and the world would not be a better place. If you know someone who may be thinking about it, you need to point-blank ask them.”
He is also more than willing to talk to anyone who wants to reach out to him. His cell number is 217-851-0153. Cross Over is not only taking on the high suicide rate in Montgomery County, they are also focused on mental illness, opioid addiction, trauma, and other issues that are often stigmatized.
“They’re all tied together,” Wedekind said. “Cross Over has been a big deal for me, and I want to see it go forward. We’re looking for programs; we have lots of ideas.” Among those ideas are a booth at the Picker’s Market in Litchfield in June, and a possible program on the impact of divorce in September.
Early morning rainstorms did not deter 83 runners and walkers from participating in the first annual Suicide Prevention 5K run/walk on Saturday morning, May 11.
This is the first in what is to be a yearly 5K organized by the Montgomery County Health Department under the direction of Shannon Pivoney and Lynette Weiss. The walk was held to bring awareness to the rising suicide and substance abuse rates in the county and the importance of caring for mental health as rigorously as physical health. The organizers hope not only to break down mental health stigmas but to showcase locally available services. The Montgomery County Health Department offers a variety of services which include counseling and suicide prevention line. While the health department organized the event, the proceeds were donated to Cross Over Ministries.
The non-profit organization was founded in June 2018 by community members who felt called to aid the brokenness of the community, specifically to assist individuals and families living with mental health conditions and substance abuse disorders. The local outreach is Christ-centered and actively engages in cultivating mental health throughout Montgomery County. Cross Over Ministries aims to promote recovery and wellness through educating communities on mental health, sharing testimonials and holding public outreach events.
The proceeds from the Suicide Prevention 5K will be utilized towards Cross Over Ministries programs, including transportation assistance, training opportunities, support and recovery groups, and mental health awareness events. In addition to ministerial outreach, the non-profit provides medical and pharmaceutical co-pay assistance programs, mental health and recovery resources, and suicide prevention resources.
Along with the 5K participants, auxiliary police members Captain Bobby Johnson, Assistant Chief Michael Lee and Patrolman Matt Warren braved the inclement weather to ensure runner’s safety.
There were several local sponsors including, DC Waste, Springfield Clinic, HSHS St. Francis Hospital, Hiller’s Sheet Metal, Cisler and Associates Real Estate, Inc., Moonlingh Y, Curt’s 24-Hour Towing Co., Illinois Solar, Inc., Lessman Pools and Spas, Inc., Elam’s Towing, Inc., Weiss Power Equipment, Litchfield Pump and Motor Company, Bank of Hillsboro, Hearts United Association, C.T.I., The Dressing Room, Litchfield National Bank, Montgomery Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, Jeff Mitchell, First National Bank of Nokomis, Studio L, Law Offices of Glenn and West, Family Eye Care Association, First Community Bank of Hillsboro, MCR Realty Professionals and Jubelt’s Bakery and Restaurants.
While rainstorms may not seem ideal for the 5K, the Saturday morning showers certainly felt symbolic of the organizations’ and attendees’ commitment to not only spreading mental health awareness, but mobilizing communities to better stand with those in the midst of personal storms.
“Ask a question; save a life” was the theme for QPR “question, persuade, refer” training on Saturday, Feb. 23, at Hillsboro Area Hospital, designed to identify and respond to cues that someone may be contemplating suicide.
The training was hosted by Cross Over Ministries, which has another session scheduled for Saturday, March 16, from 8:30-11:30 a.m. at HSHS St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield.
“We’ve got to start talking about this,” Cross Over President Linda Liebscher said to the 40-some who took the training Feb. 23 at Hillsboro Area Hospital. “We’ve got to start opening up.”
The event opened with a training session guided by Kaitlyn N. Wilson, a trained QPR Gatekeeper Instructor and member of the St. Clair County Suicide Prevention Alliance.
Later, she shared her story of reaching out for help before a suicide attempt, and sat for a panel discussion with Wayne and Becky Wedekind, whose son Andrew took his life while a student at Western Illinois University five years ago. “I never got a chance to help," his mother said during the panel discussion. She and her husband have become active in helping others prevent suicide, and have made numerous trips to the Western Illinois University campus to help their son’s friends in their grief.
Those present learned during the training session that suicide is the most preventable kind of death, and almost any positive action may save a life.
Verbal cues and warning signs include comments such as “I wish I were dead,” “I’m tired of life and can’t go on,” and “I just want out.” Behavioral clues can include putting personal affairs in order, giving away prized possessions, a sudden change in interest about religion, and unexplained anger and irritability.
Wilson encouraged asking those exhibiting warning signs either directly or indirectly if they are considering suicide. “If you cannot ask the question, find someone who can,” Wilson said.
The next steps in the training involve non-judgmental listening, offering hope in any form, and persuading them to seek help. “Say, ‘I want you to live,’ or ‘I’m on your side. We’ll get through this,’” Wilson told the trainees.
The next step is “refer.” “Suicidal people often believe they cannot be helped, so you may have to do more,” Wilson said. “The best referral involves taking the person directly to someone who can help.”
The training session closed with a brief discussion from Dr. Sheila Thomas, a psychiatrist who is creating a “collaborative care” program at Hillsboro Area Hospital that incorporates team-based mental health into primary care.
Those interested in attending the March 16 QPR training at HSHS St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield may register at the Cross Over Ministries website.
Cross Over Ministries, a Christ Centered Community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities, is seeking Montgomery County residents to partner with them in accomplishing their strategic goals in 2019.
“We have come a long way since our inception in June, 2018,” Secretary Lori Hopwood said. “Having community members on our Board will add diversity and value and afford more opportunities for our citizens to participate in their own recovery and wellness in 2019.”
The Ministry is seeking representation from religious organizations, health care organizations, local business and non-profit organizations as well as affiliate Board Members who would represent the judicial, educational, political and law enforcement community.
Ms. Hopwood continued, “Our focus in 2018 and continuing into 2019 will be on education and awareness, training programs (Trauma Informed Care, Suicide Prevention, etc.) Co-Pay Programs for medical and pharmaceutical needs, recovery groups, as well as beginning the process of developing a Crisis Intervention Program that would perhaps be an alternative to Emergency Room visits for people with mental health conditions and substance use disorders.
“It is not only what our community needs, but what it wants as evidenced by the similarities between the community health needs assessments done by Montgomery County Health Department, Hillsboro Area Hospital and St. Francis Hospital. All three reports showed mental health and/or substance abuse to be within the top three community needs.”
“As you can tell,” Linda Liebscher, President of Cross Over Ministries stated, “there is a lot of great work to be done, and with the Lord’s leading and guidance and the Montgomery County Community engaging with us, we will be able to help many who need spiritual, physical, mental, relational, emotional, and educational support. Hope, Opportunity, Mercy and Encouragement are our core values.”
For more information about Cross Over Ministries please visit their website at If you are interested in becoming an affiliate Board Member please visit this webpage.
By Linda Liebscher
We love it when a town comes together!
And that’s exactly what took place in Hillsboro on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 as we celebrated a Storybook Christmas. Parades, lighting of the town Christmas tree, craft booths, music, lots of good food and many people dressed in Christmas story fashion added to the festivity of the weekend. There were even some elves hanging around giving out candy canes. You could see the delight in the eyes of the children as they picked out their favorite flavor of candy cane! And, the elves gave the parents of the children with sticky faces flyers about Cross Over Ministries.
For some, however, this time of year is not happy or festive. Many in our community who have suffered loss of a loved one by suicide, or have a mental health condition triggered by painful past experiences or memories see this time of year as another reminder that life is difficult. Others who have financial burdens or marriages that have crumbled experience depression and isolation. And for those of us who are stressed by the hustle and bustle of every day life topped off by all the Christmas activities, gift buying and decorating, this time of year can be very stressful.
We at Cross Over Ministries know that sorrow and hopelessness can be overwhelming. That is why in the next several months, we will be working closely with our communities to develop some specific goals and actions to bring about more community unity: a Christ-centered community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities through hope, opportunity, mercy and encouragement.
You will be finding out more specifics about these goals and actions in the beginning of 2019. In the meantime, please pray with us that our Lord will continue to bless this ministry. Get involved and help us fulfill our mission and vision.
We welcome you:
Nearly 65 local residents joined Cross Over Ministries for the inaugural “Out of the Darkness and Into His Light” walk on Saturday morning, Nov. 3, at the Hillsboro United Methodist Church.
Walkers departed the church bright and early for a one-mile course through downtown Hillsboro to raise awareness for mental health issues and substance abuse disorder.
Following the walk, participants enjoyed a breakfast with a special program. Pastor Stefan Munker of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Hillsboro opened the program in prayer.
After breakfast, Wayne Wedekind of Butler spoke about losing his son, Andrew, to suicide. In his remarks, Wedekind shared his faith journey, growing up in a church in Raymond and a desire to raise his family in a church. “Losing Andrew has to be the most life-changing experience I’ve been through,” Wedekind said. “Without God and our church family, I don’t know what I would have done. It required all the faith I could muster to get through it.”
Wedekind also spoke about living in a fallen world, where bad things do happen to God’s people. ”Our faith was tested and we chose to turn to God not away from him,” Wedekind said. “Some people might blame their loved ones’ death on God, but God created Andrew in his image. He gave him gifts to use for His glory and created him with a specific task in mind, and He loved him. I’m sure God mourned his death as much as we did.”
Before concluding his remarks, Wedekind, who serves as a board member of Cross Over Ministries, talked about the new ministry. “Cross Over Ministries is my way to glorify God and give meaning to Andrew’s life and to be able to help others deal with mental illness, drug addiction, depression and grief,” Wedekind said. “It’s our way to give thanks for God giving us hope in our time of need.”
After Wedekind spoke, participants watched a brief video on the mission of Cross Over Ministries.
Their mission is to be a Christ-centered, community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities and their vision is to promote individual recovery and wellness through hope, opportunity, mercy and encouragement. For more information about the ministry, visit
The newly formed Cross Over Ministries is planning a special event “Out of the Darkness and Into His Light” walk and breakfast on Saturday, Nov. 3, in Hillsboro.
This inaugural walk will start and end at the Hillsboro United Methodist Church, located at 537 Rountree Street in Hillsboro. Registration will be held from 6:30 to 6:55 a.m., and the walk will start promptly at 7 a.m. Free breakfast will be served immediately following the walk, and glow-in-the-dark bracelets will be provided for all walkers.
“We hope you will join us that morning to learn about our future plans and how you can be involved,” said President Linda Liebscher.
Other board members are Secretary Lori Hopwood, Treasurer Jane Hewitt, Syble Kemp, Wayne Wedekind, Dawn Young and advisory members the Rev. Randy Sands, the Rev. Jeff Hemken and Matt Houser.
A donation of $20 per walker is suggested to participate in this year’s event, and all donations will be used to promote the mission and vision of Cross Over Ministries.
Their mission is to be a Christcentered community committed to cultivating mental health opportunities and their vision is to promote individual recovery and wellness through hope, opportunity, mercy and encouragement. For more information about the ministry or to register for the walk online, visit
By Mary (Galer) Herschelman Hillsboro Journal-News
WSMI Podcast: Tune in to The Forum with David Jenkins | Guest: Linda Liebscher, President of Crossover Ministries | Topic: About Crossover Ministries and September being Suicide Prevention month
During the Montgomery County Board Meeting October 9th at the Historic Courthouse, [board member] Megan Beeler read a proclamation recognizing October as Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. She presented a certificate to Wayne Wedekind of Cross Over Ministries.
“Having lost a son to suicide five years ago, it’s time that we do something about suicide,” said Wedekind. “Those of us that are involved with Cross Over Ministries are committed to doing something for mental health and suicide prevention. If you agree with us, we could use your support.”
Beeler remarked, “Whereas every member of our community should understand that throughout life’s struggles we need an occasional reminder that we all silently fight our own battles,” Beeler said. “Whereas we encourage all residents of Montgomery County to take the time to inquire as to the well-being of their family, friends and neighbors over the next few days and to genuinely convey their appreciation for their existence by any gesture they deem appropriate. A simple phone call, message, handshake or hug can go a long way toward helping someone realize that suicide is not the answer.”
“We are very pleased and grateful that so many people showed up,” said Linda Liebscher, president of the Cross Over Ministries organization.
The group sponsored two free showings of the documentary movie “The Ripple Effect” on Sept. 10 in Litchfield and Sept. 17 in Hillsboro, with about 200 in attendance at both events.
“This is our opportunity to let our community know there are things out there that are hard to talk about, but we need to start,” Liebscher said.
“The Ripple Effect” is a documentary style movie that chronicles the life of Kevin Hines and his unsuccessful attempt at suicide when he jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, CA. Since that time, he has dedicated his life to mental health advocacy and suicide prevention.
AJ French of the Gift of Voice was on hand at both presentations to talk about the silent signs of depression, as well as opportunities for hope.
In addition to this presentation, Cross Over Ministries is also looking at other opportunities to help with mental health issues in this community.
Liebscher said the group is working on a website for the organization with local resources for those in need. They are also working on a fundraiser, “Out of the Darkness, Into His Light,” which would raise funds for their mission, but also raise awareness for mental health.
A long-term goal of the organization is to have a place where people can go in a comfortable setting to talk to a recovery support specialist.
For more information, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or the Illinois Warm Line at 1-866-880-4459.
Community Outreach Letter, June 15
Dear Community Member:
The Mental Health Seminar that took place in our community on February 3, 2018, proved that many are wanting more opportunities for recovery for people with mental health conditions and substance use disorders. We are aware that the need for mental, physical, social, emotional, economical and spiritual wellness is great, and it is increasing daily. There is, however, a big difference between realizing the need and doing something about it.
Cross-Over Ministries will be a Christ-Centered organization dedicated and committed to helping people with mental health conditions and substance use disorders who want to recover and live full and abundant lives. This Ministry will also reach out to families and friends of those with mental health conditions, as many of us personally know the challenging journey of having a loved one with a mental illness.
This is a pivotal time for Cross-Over Ministries. We will either be organizing this Ministry or we will not be moving forward with it. God can place a vision in our hearts, but it takes His people to fulfill it. Are you one of those people?
I am writing this letter to encourage you to attend our next meeting on Tuesday, June 26, 2018, at Calvary Baptist Church in Hillsboro, from 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m. Please know that even though this meeting will be held in Hillsboro, Cross-Over Ministries is for our ENTIRE community and beyond. Our desire is to be a Ministry that becomes an example to other communities of God’s power and grace displayed in recovery.
The main purpose of this meeting is to answer any questions you may have about Cross-Over Ministries and then to decide if this vision will become a reality. We need people willing to be on the Board of Directors and Advisory Council. We will also need people whose level of commitment at this time may be to volunteer, be on a committee, or attend the meetings regularly to share with others the vision and programs of Cross-Over Ministries. That is why attending the June 26th meeting is so vital. To put it in physical terms, the “child” has been born; now we need “parents” willing to learn and grow in a “parenting” role. Imagine the joy and excitement of watching as the “Child Vision” of Cross-Over Ministries becomes all that our Parent, God our Father, intended it to be!
Please share this letter and invitation with anyone you know who may be interested in attending the meeting. We need people from all walks of life, who have talents and gifts in different areas of expertise so that we can work together to be a Ministry that glorifies God by our commitment to Him and His people.
I welcome your questions and comments. I’d be happy to send you information about the vision. May our Lord direct your decision regarding Cross-Over Ministries.
Linda Liebscher
Hillsboro, Illinois